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Missional Partners


We want to be a church marked by the radical love and generosity of Jesus. We desire to be Christians at work in the world, to engage in the world as salt and light and to seek the restoration of God's Shalom. Seeking the renewal of the city is a response to the justice and mercy of our God through the finished work of Jesus so that no man can boast. We do justice and show mercy out of our love and gratitude of the Almighty rather than a need to earn favor with God. We extend generous justice and loving mercy because of His great generous mercy and grace given to us.


We imagine and work toward renewal in the world – spiritual, social, and cultural – as part of our essential calling as Christians.


To support and strengthen non-profit organizations working toward spiritual, social, and/or cultural renewal.

Core Values

Relational: Restoring relationships with God, with self, with others and creation.

Word and Deed: Extending the hope of Jesus through Gospel word and loving deed.

Generosity: Resisting greed and encouraging generous living.

Humility: Recognizing we are all image bearers of the Creator and are all poor and needy.

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Take a look at our missional partners to learn more about what they are doing here in our community and internationally. Our goal is to not only partner with them financially, but for our church to also serve alongside them. Learn more about our missional partners and ways that you can serve by clicking below!

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To cultivate, create or promote tangible goods, services, and systems that fix injustice, restore God’s intention and advance good, truth and beauty in community life.

Seeking the renewal of the city is a response to the justice and mercy of our God through the finished work of Jesus so that no man can boast. We do justice and show mercy out of our love and gratitude of the Almighty rather than a need to earn favor with God. We extend generous justice and loving mercy because of His great generous mercy and grace given to us.

For more information or questions about Missional Partners, please email